Biography Maricarmen Bigler


Maricarmen Bigler is a didactic artist who is in love with abstract art.

She was born in Mexico City on February 7th, 1960. She met her swiss husband in Mexico and they crossed the Atlantic Ocean to live together in Switzerland since 1991.

She began to venture into the art world at the beginning of the year 2000, thanks to the invitation of a painter friend who taught her the basics of watercolor.

Her first exhibition was in the "Cavalry" of the Jegenstorf museum, Canton of Bern in 2004.

She continued making small presentations of his paintings in different restaurants in the region during the following years.
In the 2014 he exhibited at the Galerie Alte Schmiede - Werkstatt für Kultur.
In 2017 he held the exhibition Contrasts in Grosshöchstetten.
In 2018 she carried out 2 exhibitions:
April 18th, Fabrics of Dreams at Thunstrasse 80, 3006 Bern
September 27th, KuFo in Ostermundigen.

Some of her works were sold to individuals in Mexico, Guadalajara and in California, United States..